For Foreign Investors

Dear Investors,

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that RСP Ltd provides a full range of services related to the purchase/sale and safekeeping of domestic government  bonds.

Nowadays government bonds are one of the most popular alternatives to bank deposits.

Information on government bonds can be found in the presentation by clicking on the link.

For an extended consultation please contact our specialists 

by tel. : + 38-032-294-87-76 (77, 75); 

by mail:

or visit us in our office:  Manastyrskogo str, 2a, Lviv, Ukraine

RCP Ltd was founded on October 16, 1994 and was one of the first companies to participate in the stock market of Ukraine. Based on 29 years experience of activity in the stock market, we offer cooperation which is based on the principles of confidentiality, profitability, and convenience. Our specialists are dedicated to delivering principles of an individual approach and providing personal service to every client.

RCP Ltd carries out its activities in the following areas:

- broker's activity;

- underwriting;

Depositary Department RCP Ltd provides a full package of depositary institution services.

The services of the Depositary Department include:

Trading Department

In accordance with the Licenses received from the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market, RCP Ltd provides cervices in the relevant areas, which include: